dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

LexisNexis changes on 6 September

The e-Resource LexisNexis contains articles from all the major national and international newspapers, newswires and several journals. In addition the e-Resource has many company reports. The new LexisNexis academic website will become available on 6 September.

The most important changes are:
- Doing a search in individual news sources will be easier
- Doing a search in your own selection of sources will be less complicated
- It is easier to use specific individual search options of news sources
- The download limit for articles / reports will be increased from 25 to 200
- A new save option is now included for citation software. A similar option will be included later for users of Endnote and Reference Manager.

The current website of LexisNexis will remain available until 31 December 2011.
After this date only the new website will be available.

The Data Center Team

woensdag 29 juni 2011

Data Center closed during summer

Between 16 July and 7 August the helpdesk of the Data Center will be closed. After 7 August we will reply to any emails that were sent during this period as soon as possible. If there are any problems accessing the databases you can contact the library helpdesk through the website.

The Data Center Team.

donderdag 12 mei 2011

Reuters interviews dr. S.A. Borovkova !

Recently Reuters interviewed dr. S.A. Borovkova on her research into Commodity futures & derivatives. Below you find a link to the interview.

Watch the Interview

The main source of information on commodities and futures & options available at the VU University is the database Datastream. This database can be used by researchers if the software is installed on their computer (contact the IT department if you want to arrange this). Datastream is available for students on computers in the library on the 3rd and 4th floor and in computer rooms in the VU Campus main building (1st, 5th and 7th floor, B-wing).

Instruction videos and help information on Datastream is available in the Blackboard course of the Data Center in the section Company Info.

The Data Center Team

woensdag 4 mei 2011

Datastream problems?

Some students may currently have trouble finding or using the Datastream database on computers in the computer rooms on the 5th and 7th floor of the B-wing of the main university campus building.

According to the IT department of the university the solution may be that the student accounts need to be changed for people who have problems using Datastream.

Students who think that their student account needs to be checked can go to the UC-IT Servicedesk (room 0A-11) on the ground floor of the main Campus building.

The Data Center Team

woensdag 27 april 2011

New developments

1) Datastream
The Datastream Navigator has been updated and now has a new Freetext search option. For a short overview of the changes you can view the following Blog entry.

2) GMID updated
The Global Market Information Database (GMID) is an international marketing database containing information about: Markets, Companies, Countries and regions. The information includes statistics as well as market and country reports. Euromonitor has changed GMID's interface as well as it's name. The new name is Passport GMID. You can find the link to the database through the e-Resources at the UB VU library website.

3) IMF International Financial Statistics
A new interface has been developed for this IMF database which has become life during April. The IMF eLibrary data website is more intuitive and allows you to more easily create datasets and graphs. According to recent communications the new interface is estimated to replace the old interface next month, in May. You can find the IMF database link to the new website through the e-Resources at the UB VU library website.

4) Opening hours Data Center
The Data Center will be closed on the holidays: May 5 (Thursday) and 6 (Friday).

The Data Center Team

woensdag 23 maart 2011

Data Center opening hours change!

The Data Center of the university library provides help and support to students as well as teachers and researchers in finding economic and financial data. When you want to ask questions or if you need advice you can visit the Data Center during opening hours. At those times the Data Center personnel is available for consultation without previous appointment.

Based on customer feedback the decision has been made to change the current opening hours to include friday afternoons. Starting April 1 the Data Center will be open at the following hours:

- Wednesday & Thursday: 13:00 - 16:00

- Friday: 13:00 - 15:00.

Location: Main building VU, room 3B-04 (3rd floor).

donderdag 10 maart 2011

The new Zephyr (Neo) website

Zephyr is a database containing information on: Mergers & Acquisitions, Initial Public Offerings Venture Capital transactions. The database covers transactions & deals worldwide. Every year about 100.000 new deals are added. During 2010 and the beginning of 2011 the new website has been developed for searching the database. It will replace the older website/interface sometime during 2011.

Zephyr offers two ways to search in the database: A quick deal search, and the expert search. Both are still available but the look very different from before. The expert search now looks exactly like the NEO website which was introduced in 2009/2010 for the database Amadeus.