maandag 7 mei 2012

Bankscope presentations

This week two presentations about the new database Bankscope will be given by the producer Bureau van Dijk. Bankscope contains information on banks across the globe. You can use it to research individual banks and find banks with specific profiles. This edition of Bankscope covers the last 8 years and only the OECD countries. The information on banks includes: Detailed annual financials (statements are in multiple formats including a new universal format to compare banks globally), Interim data & Ownership information.
The presentations include a general introduction on the content, some basic searches, and working with lists and reports. There is also the opportunity to ask questions about the content or on how to search for and download data.

- First presentation on Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00 at the MediaXperience (1A-01K)
- Second presentation on Friday, 11:00 - 12:00 at the MediaXperience (1A-01J).

Signing up for a presentation is required because there is a limit to the number of people who can participate! You can sign up through the library website: the (course) agenda can be used to sign up for a presentation.

The Data Center Team.

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